Almonds, Good For The Heart

Almonds – Good for the Heart

Almonds don’t just please your taste buds. They can also protect your heart.

Research conducted at the State University of New York found that consuming a diet moderate in fat, but providing healthy monounsaturated fatty acids offers more benefits to the heart than a diet low in fat.

In this study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, subjects were separated into two groups for weight loss – low fat and moderate fat. Those following the moderate fat diet not only lost weight, but also reduced their triglycerides and LDL or “bad cholesterol”, while maintaining levels of heart healthy HDL cholesterol. Those in the low fat group lost weight, too, but their triglycerides rebounded and their HDL levels sank at the end of the study.

Enjoy the heart-healthy benefits of almonds in Natasha’s wholesome products!